
Presentation for Smalltalk Solutions 1996 Panel on Smalltalk and the Web

What I do in IBM
Smalltalk hacker for the VisualAge Development area of
Software Solutions in Raleigh.
Lead tech for the
VisualAge for Smalltalk Web Connection feature. Comments
welcome on this, via the mailto link on the page.
Besides that, I have written a lot of software on the side,
primarily for programmers. Some of these have made their way
into the DAP program, the EWS program, and IBM products.

IBM Background
Slogged away at
IBM Lexington for 3 years in the MVS CICS world, then moved to Bethesda
where I worked on cool Natural Language stuff. In 1991, I moved to
Cary, where I worked on the Edge editor for a while, then developing
an Object Request Broker in DCE (OS/2 and AIX). Last project was doing
was security and transport for the Distributed Smalltalk
feature of VisualAge/Smalltalk.
Currently I'm working on the
VisualAge WWW parts project.